BRYEN’S BOOTCAMP All Rights Reserved.

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Where Are Classes?

-Glassworks Building

How Long Are Classes?

-Classes  are 1 hour and start PROMPTLY at 6pm

Do you do Measurements?

-We will measure your weight, fat percentages and Body Mass Index, ( BMI) every 4 week session.

What about Nutrition?

-You will be given a nutrition template that you will complete each week and give to me by Midnight Friday Night and I will complete and return them to you with recommendations by Sunday night at Midnight.

-I am also going to be giving you a template of  “acceptable foods” and the strategic timing of those foods as well in order for you to be successful

What Do I Bring?

- Water

- Fitness Mat/ Yoga Mat/ Towel 

  1. -Energy…and lots of it

What If It Rains?

-We have the access to the lower parts of the facility and event space, so in case of rain we will meet either on the 2nd floor or the 1st floor accordingly with the bad weather.

Can I make up a session?

-Unfortunately in order to keep us both accountable we will not have “make up” sessions unless there are extenuating circumstances with the facility.

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